Pre-reqs: You need to install the .NET Framework to be able to use Flacattack because it is written in C#.

1. Extract the contents of the zip file to the directory of your choice. I recommend C:\flacattack but it doesn't really matter.

2. Configure flacattack.ini

Using the gui (fagui.exe), set all applicable options in the ini file. By default, the gui will look for the flacattack.ini file in the directory in which it is located. If you already have a flacattack.ini file that you would like to use, simply copy it to the same directory as the gui. There may be new features that aren't present in your old flacattack.ini file. When you run the gui, you will need to update those features by making the appropriate changes in the gui settings. Once you are done making your changes, go to Help-->Check exe paths. This will check to make sure you have set up all the paths to the necessary executable files. Next, just go to File-->Save to ini and choose the destination file for your settings. This most likely will be the flacattack.ini file you are currently editing. If asked if would like to overwrite the file, say yes. If you would like to load a flacattack.ini file from another directory, just use File-->Load ini and that file will be loaded. If you do choose to use a flacattack.ini file from another directory, don't forget to make sure that is the file being used in EAC-->Compresson Options-->External Compression Tab-->Additional Command Line Options. (See EAC configuration below for full details.) Don't forget to save any changes you make using File-->Save to ini.

You will need to download the executables for each utility to be able to use them. They are not included as part of Flacattack. Visit the website to find links to each of the utilities. There are a few requirements if you want to enable certain features of Flacattack: 3. Configure EAC to work with Flacattack

Start EAC and go to:

EAC-->Compression Options-->External Compression Tab EAC-->EAC Options-->Tools Tab EAC-->EAC options-->Filename Tab 4. Rip the CD in EAC using 5. Look for your files where you indicated in the flacattack.ini file.

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